Sunday 6 July 2008

Public Enemy No. 1, Part 2.

..this little bugger, his brother & various neighbourhood felines that troop in and out of our garden & flat. The one saving grace our two have is that they don't kill birds and never have. I'm with Chris Packham in bewailing the fact that our nation's sentimentality towards cats does the native bird population no good at all. For that reason and the fact that they make it bloody hard to garden I will heavily resist all family attempts to get more once ours are gone.

Web forums are full of gardeners pleading with others to reveal the secrets of how to keep the furry fiends from using their flowerbeds as litter trays. Water pistols & lion dung seem frequently to come top of the list, but I know the former doesn't work & I have my doubts about the latter.

What's worked for me (so far at least) is a combination of chicken wire surrounding delicate young plants & cocoa shell mulch

The cocoa shell mulch is supposed to help prevent slug & snail attack too. Once you've planted up you spread a thick layer & water it well. It forms a crust on which the cats are not keen on doing their business. Smells nice & chocolatey too!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

well talk about what you give with one hand you take with the other!

You plant cat mint bushes, the feline equivalent of the dealer offering free spliffs outside the school gates, and then complain about cats overruning your garden and turning your flower beds into the Glasto bogs on the Sunday morning - or is this a subterfuge to drug them into a state of catatonia (no pun intended) so that they won't befoul the garden?

Actually, come to think of it, that's a great idea! Damn you're smart...