Thursday 29 May 2008

The Herbs

This is the bit of the garden I managed to get going last year, after grubbing out a Buddleia (sorry butterflies, I'll make it up to you, I promise), several concrete slabs, pieces of old washing machine, some indeterminate groundcover plant, tons of ivy and a packet of butter. Yes, butter.

It's my mission to make the garden bee-friendly. I love bees. In addition to the existing Sage, Rosemary, Thyme & Lavender I've just planted the beautifully named Bee Balm, or Bergamot. I fear it may take over, but we shall see.

I also have waiting to be planted out some Summer Savoury, Hyssop (I think I have some in already but my terrible habit of not labelling stuff has come back to bite me) and Burnet. I got all these off Ebay sellers after flogging my daughter's old clothes the week before!

The Borage I had in last summer attracted tons of bees, but it all fell over and the stems split so it is no more. I'll not make the same mistakes this year; I'm starting it off indoors this year (it seeded very well when sown outdoors last time & is a prolific self-seeder), it will be planted in greater profusion & given some support. Apparently it's a good companion plant for tomatoes too & improves the flavour, so I hope it'll keep my Gardener's Delight plants happy when those finally makes their way outdoors..

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